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From Zero to Hero:
The 4 pillars of real Zero Trust Strategy

By Jonathan Fussner

Beyond the marketing term, an effective Zero Trust strategy provides business agility and improved performance:

  • Grants and enforces the least privilege access for JUST the time of use.
  • Goes beyond the traditional “security perimeter” which was the network zones.
  • Introduces a new paradigm: connect only according to the user/device context.
  • Restricts connections to the least right and least time required.
  • Limits access to the functions needed to be used on an IT resource.

Jonathan Fussner (Head of cyberelements) explains in this presentation:

From Zero to Hero

The 4 pillars of real Zero Trust Strategy

Why Zero Trust is not only about access policy management and enforcement. It is a set of intrinsic characteristics of an access infrastructure that must take into account contextual accessprotection of authentication secrets, and protection of resources & applications.

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