Remote Access

Enable work from home from untrusted endpoints with Zero Trust technology

Turn Unstrusted Devices into Trusted

VPNs and other remote access solutions have proven to have scalability and latency issues with a lack of granularity compromising security. Combined with the common use of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), security bacame challenging.

With cyberelements, you can instantly give a secure remote access to your users. Whether you need to connect workforces to their work envirnments or a third party to certain systems, cyberelements allows you to provide fully controlled remote access, managable in a single converged platform:

Covers all your use cases 

Employees Working from Home

Workforces on the move

Third Parties Remote Access

The cyberelements Key Features

Web Delivery (HTML5)
Protocol Break

Create an invicible barrier while allowing a user friendly access for your internal workforces and external third parties  without compromising operational performance.

The cyberelements capability of web delivery, allows your users to securely connect from any web browser without the need to install any client. Only images are communicated to the user and only keyboard and mouse flows from the user.

For your organzation, web delivery allows full control such as forcing regular updates. cyberelements also has a built-in protocol break technology coupled with protocol rewriting ensuring full protection against any contamination possiblity from any infected device.

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Context Aware Access &
Conformity Check

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cyberelements grants and denies access to resources based on user identity and the device’s security posture. 

Determine your organization’s security requirements and let cyberelements automatically check devices according to your defined security postures.

With more than 20 configurations possible, you can adjust the security bar as needed: forcing regular updates, allowing only specific IPs, setting allowed time of access and more. 

Discover how to secure access to resources in the video 

Device-IT system & IT system/Internet

schema architecture cyberelements

The double barrier architecture of cyberelements ensures a full isolation of your systems and users’ devices on one side and the internet on the other side.

Whether you need to give a remote access to an employee or connect a third party for maintenance purposes, cyberelements allows you to secure the access regardless of the devices.

Furthermore, cyberelements hides your organization’s data from the internet by isolating your system thanks to an architecture based on The Controller and the Edge Gateway communicating together. Therefore, avoiding any direct communication between your organization’s system and users devices or the internet.

Zero Trust Network Access
made simple & effective

With cyberelements, you can enable your Zero Trust PAM platform in 3 minutes. 

The Zero Trust architecture on which it is built a Privileged Access Management solution,  provides you the most secure platfom to seamlessly manage access:

  • Workforces remote access
  • Privileged users
  • Third parties

Administration Console: Manage all your users access to IT and OT resources within one administration console. 

Access Platform: Provide your users with a centralized view of their resources where they securely access your organization’s IT and OT systems.

Watch the video to discover how to enable your Zero Trust PAM platform in 3 mins

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