How to Choose Your Privileged Access Management Solution
It is crucial to control the access to industrial Operational Technologies (OT) as it can have a high impact on our real life.
6 Risks managed by PAM
Within any organization, there are several risks associated with privileged accounts: some are common and easy to address, while others are rare but complex to manage. The use of a Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution helps to manage these risks by minimizing or even eliminating them.
Risks related to privileged accounts can come from both intentional actions and simple mistakes or negligence. From the use of generic accounts to the transfer of malicious files, we’ve identified 6 key risks (non-exhaustive) that organizations face, ranging from common, easily mitigated threats to rare yet complex challenges:
PAM solutions offer various functionalities to reduce or even eliminate these risks:
cyberelements, as a PAM solution, allows to drastically reduce the complexity of the operational response to these risks that arise and in particular to certain risks that are rarely handled by third-party PAM solutions.
It is crucial to control the access to industrial Operational Technologies (OT) as it can have a high impact on our real life.