Authentication allows a user to guarantee his or her identity before accessing a resource or service.
Primary authentication will give user access to the workstation (Windows login). Several authentication modes can be made available to users: login and password, smart or contactless cards, biometrics, mobile …
To classify an authentication mode it will be enough to rely on the principles of the 3 factors: “What do I have? “, ” What do I know? “, ” Who am I? ». The answers provided to these questions make it possible to say for a given authentication method whether it is “simple” or “double” factor.
Secondary authentication is the access of a user to an application from an open session on a workstation. The application can be of any type: web, client-server, local to the workstation or external…
Single Sign-On (SSO) l What Is It? Single Sign-On Authentication Single sign-on allows the user to be automatically authenticated by multiple applications, resources or websites
What Is Operational Technologies (OT)? What is Operational Technologies? Operational Technologies is a category of computing that consists of hardware and software to monitor industrial
What is a Virtual Private Network? Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a technology that simulates a local area network between two trusted networks. In practice
What is Privileged Access Management? Privileged Access Management (PAM) is a technology for managing access and authenticationPrimary or secondary authentication Authentication allows a user to