Coffee with a CISO: Andreas Wuchner
With Andreas Wuchner, we’ll discuss supply chain attacks and all the risk around managing third parties. Learn how to secure data and systems.
Every IT manager has encountered the challenge of providing access to their critical systems, whether for a third-party provider or an on-call IT administrator working remotely from home. In this context, there are often several individuals with privileged accounts, accessing the system from unmanaged endpoints. Managing this situation is crucial for ensuring the security of your information system.
Zero-trust is not only a matter of access policies : it is also a matter of properties of your access infrastructure. That’s why Zero Trust is so critical to privileged access management. But how can you efficiently and rapidly enhance the security of your organisation’s unmanaged endpoints?
Now with any business can set up a secure access for all its business and privileged users within a few minutes, so that they can access their IT or OT systems within seconds, applying the Zero Trust paradigm, considering identity and context as the new security perimeter.
Our webinar’s replay, “Why deploy Zero Trust PAM?,” will provide you with a deep understanding of this topic. Renaissance and cyberelements’ experts came together to explain the core principles, discuss practical applications, and show you how to deploy in 3 minutes your Zero Trust PAM platform.
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With Andreas Wuchner, we’ll discuss supply chain attacks and all the risk around managing third parties. Learn how to secure data and systems.
Join us on October 17 to learn how to enhance the security of your organisation’s unmanaged endpoints and efficiently secure your data and systems.
Watch this replay to discover how can you ensure a successful PAM project & solution deployment. The key factors to guarantee solution adoption.