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Make sure the Edge Gateway is well connected to the cyberelements controller

How to detect a gateway connection problem?

Admin Console: 

The Gateway’s icon turns red whenever Gateway is not connected to the controller. Whereas, the icon becomes green when the Gateway is connected to the controller.

The User Platform: 

The gateway’s resources won’t appear on the user’s platform and it may be impossible to authenticate if the access policies are linked to the disconnected gateway.

Steps to follow in case of a disconnected gateway

1. Make sure the virtual Machine is switched on.

It is a common cause, especially if an error occur on the hypervisor

2. Verify if the network traffic to the cloud controller is blocked

The network traffic to the cloud controller could have been blocked by your infrastructure’s network devices.

In this case, we recommend checking the SSL connection to the controller server which is hosted in the cloud:

  • Check the @IPSSLCONTROLLER @portSSL of your cloud SSL router associated with your domain

File: /etc/ipdiva/gateway/gateway.xml

Example of a cloud SSL router
  • Check the connectivity to this cloud SSL router

Connect to the gateway (in the LAN) using SSH and try these commands: telnet @IPSSLCONTROLLER @portSSL


Example of a connection test when the network connection is open

The gateway must be successfully connected

openssl s_client -connect @IPSSLCONTROLLER:@portSSL

Example of a connection test when the network connection id open

The gateway must be successfully connected

The server’s SSL certificate should be displayed

nc -vvv -w 10 -z @IPSSLCONTROLLER @portSSL

Example of a connection test when the network connection is open

The gateway must be successfully connected

Note: It is possible that the network flow is open, but that an SSL flow analysis is activated (this must be disabled for cyberelements).
As a result, the flow may pass for 10 seconds and then be closed again, as the flow is considered malicious (by an IDS/IPS type device).


3. Check with cyberelements if the gateway certificate has expired

The Gateway’s certificate is automatically signed by cyberelements and it expires every 3 years. An email is sent 3 months before the expiration date to schedule a renewal. However, the expiry date is accessible at any time in the “expiry date” section.

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