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Secure Remote Access for the Industrial sector

The common way to securely connect IT & OT while keeping them isolated


We needed a highly secure solution to ensure remote access and control. With cyberelements, we can now give privilege access to sensitive data from satellite image processing computers.

A large European multinational aerospace company turned to cyberelements to secure remote access to a business critical computing platform in relationship with their satellites.

They were looking for a solution to provide their maintenance engineers with a secure remote access to the hardware and software computing platform which processes their satellite images.


> Centralize access to multi-platforms and several systems management at the same time.

> Ensure remote access security without operability loss.

> Guarantee security requirements for both military and civil program.

Solution Highlights

> Integrated Zero Trust Network Access approach

cyberelement’s architecture provide a built-in Zero Trust approach. In fact, access to resources is given through an outgoing flow which can only be opened when a resource is used. Therefore, the user terminal is isolated from the corporate system. In addition, every access is guaranteed through a different entry point to elevate security level by decreasing the attack surface. Cyberelments insures, through its infrastructure, the use of volatile and random ports.

> Multi-Factor Authentication and Advanced access control

The platform, through numerous security functionalities, turns a non-trustable device into a trustable one. Users connect to various resources by signing in once using MFA without the need to know any machine password. The administrator can easily predefine users’ credentials by creating numerous combinations of users’ profiles, resources, and contexts (antivirus, software updates, certificates, etc.).

> Rendering IT assets invisible from the Internet network

By making the displayed url unusable outside of cyberelements, with url writing, protocol-based services such as RDP and SSH are invisible from network scanning tools and brute force attacks inoperant on them.